Subject: designing a vegetable garden
Lat = 38° 50' 11'',76 N
Long. = 16° 15' 52'',20 E
Alt. = 10 mt
Day = Summer Time (01 August)
  Solar Time = 12 h 00' 00''
Civil Time = 12 h 01' 13''
Summertime = 13h 01' 13''
Azimut max = ± 113° 30' 17''
Zenit max = 69° 15' 47''
Arch. Giuseppe Devito

The position phenomenon of differential growth of the vegetables under the effect of the shadow from a fruit tree of type hemispherical during the summer. The concealment sunlight vegetables grown on land used as a garden, it produces a deterrent to vegetative growth near the middle of the day. The relevant fact is that the vegetative growth is not dependent on nourishment from the ground below the tree, which otherwise would change stolen from vegetables, as can be seen from the south side of the tree, but the residence time of the shadow when they most need of solar energy in the middle of the day.

Unlike the graph shown above, the average speed of the shadow from trees, on the same day, of the conical type and of the same height is less. This difference, which accredits the type taper the persistence of the shadow on the ground in the central hours, is irrelevant to the amount of the shadow from the tree, while the difference of the shadow fades, until it joins in the early hours of the morning and late evening hours.